Stories of Impact

It was just a piece of Pizza : Oie

The six of us rode in the back of the pickup down the four and half mile dirt road to the village of El Carrizo in the southern tip of Honduras. It was rainy season and the frequent late afternoon heavy rains had wreaked havoc on the already rough terrain. The puddles were like small […]

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Medical Trip 2011 : Wanda

by Wanda Easley This was my first trip to Honduras with Sharefish, although I had been as an interpreter on three previous medical missions to Honduras.  Chuck Nichols, aka “Pepe,” invited me.  Having seen his enthusiasm for Honduras and the towns of El Carrizo and Santa Marta, I eagerly signed on.  I wanted to see […]

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Sharefish Builds a Library!

We’re back from our trip. It was one year ago that Oie, Ben and I took our first proto-Sharefish trip to El Carrizo. What a year! Oie best summed up the feeling of this trip – traction. Things we were just talking (dreaming) about a year ago are starting to happen. Some particulars: 1.     We […]

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