Sponsor a Child

There are children in El Carrizo waiting to be sponsored...waiting to learn that the education they crave and the future they dream of are attainable

Your monthly sponsorship will make it possible for children in El Carrizo to attend school and will provide resources for their families to ensure that the children have the food and supplies they need to stay in school.

When you become a sponsor, you are connected with one special child. Once you begin your sponsorship, you will receive a welcome package with a picture and instructions for communicating with your child.

Sponsorships are 98 cents a day for elementary children and $1.64 a day for middle school children. For the price of a cup of coffee or a soft drink, you can give a future to a child who would otherwise not have one.

Look through the categories below to find your special child, then click on the Sponsor this Child button to make a dream come true.

Sharefish is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax deductible.

If you prefer to start your sponsorship or make a donation by phone or mail, please contact us at sponsorships@sharefish.org or 919.210.0600