
Sponsor a Child

There are children in El Carrizo waiting to be sponsored…waiting to learn that the education they crave and the future they dream of are attainable.

Your monthly child sponsorship will make it possible for children in El Carrizo to attend school and will provide resources for their families to ensure that the sponsor children have the food and supplies they need to stay in school.

How Much Does It Cost To Sponsor A Child?

You can give these children a bright future when you sponsor a child for as little as 50 cents a day – that’s only $15 each month.

Elementary school child sponsorships are only 50 cents a day.

For less than the price of a cup of coffee or a soft drink, you can give a start to a child who would otherwise not have one.

High school child sponsorships are only $1.67 a day.

For less than the price of a frappuccino, you can give a child a future.

Sponsor A Child & Give Hope to Children in Need Today!

Look through the pictures below to find your special child, then simply click the name to sponsor a child and make a dream come true.


Showing all 72 results
